November 2016

Reference Title
EPRS 16/17 25 Provisional destinations of key stage 4 and key stage 5 students in state-funded institutions, England, 2014-15

This statistical first release (SFR) from the DfE shows the percentage of young people progressing to specified destinations in 2014-15.

EPRS 16/17 26 Children and young people’s writing in 2015

This report from the National Literacy Trust outlines children’s enjoyment of writing, writing frequency and writing attitudes.

EPRS 16/17 27 Further education and skills: statistical first release

This Statistical First Release from the Department for Education presents information on all aspects of adult (19+) government-funded Further Education and Apprenticeships (excluding schools and Higher Education).

EPRS 16/17 28 SEND: The schools and colleges experience

This report published by the DfE gives an overview of the experiences of parents who have children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), exploring the impact of the changes to the SEND system.

EPRS 16/17 29 SFCA funding impact survey report 2016

This report from the Sixth Form Colleges Association (SFCA) looks at the impact of funding changes on Sixth Form Colleges in England.

EPRS 16/17 30 Earning and learning: making the apprenticeship system work for 16-18 year-olds

This report from the Institute for Public Policy Research critiques the current system of vocational education and explores why young people, particularly those with lower qualifications, struggle to make the transition into the jobs market.

EPRS 16/17 31 The parent factor

This report published by the Mayor’s fund for London evaluates a maths parental engagement programme which was run in London schools in 2015.

EPRS 16/17 32 Class differences

This report from the Sutton Trust focusses on the outcomes of FSM-eligible pupils at GCSE by ethnic group and looks at trends over time.

EPRS 16/17 33 Graduates in non-graduate occupations

This report by the Warwick Institute for Employment Research compares the career trajectories of two graduate cohorts, the classes of 1999 and 2006.

EPRS 16/17 34 Magic breakfast evaluation report

This evaluation of the Magic Breakfast Project from the Education Endowment Foundation provides evidence on the impact of breakfast club provision on a range of outcomes.

EPRS 16/17 35 Gender equality and empowerment of women and girls in the UK

This report from the British Council assesses the progress which has been made towards equality for women and girls, both in the UK and internationally.

Points of Information No.179

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