November 2017

Reference Title
EPRS 17/18 22 Literacy and numeracy catch up strategies

This paper from the DfE reviews catch-up strategies and interventions which are intended for low-attaining pupils in literacy or numeracy at the end of key stage 2.

EPRS 17/18 23 Life lessons: Improving essential life skills for young people

This report from the Sutton Trust explores whether life skills are being sufficiently developed in schools.

EPRS 17/18 24 Educating for our economic future

This report published by the Education Policy Institute (EPI) and Pearson assesses England’s progress in delivering the skills our young people need for the modern workplace.

EPRS 17/18 25 Local area SEND inspections: One year on

This report from Ofsted provides a summary of the main findings from the first 30 local area SEND inspections, identifying the most common strengths and weaknesses.

EPRS 17/18 26 TALIS 2013: Working conditions, teacher job satisfaction and retention

This report looks at what the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2013 shows us about the effect of working conditions on teacher retention and job satisfaction.

EPRS 17/18 27 Teacher retention and turnover research

This report from the NfER presents further research findings about teacher retention and turnover and makes a series of recommendations.

EPRS 17/18 28 Evaluation of teachers’ pay reform

This report from the DfE looks at the ways in which schools have implemented the government’s recent pay reforms.

EPRS 17/18 29 Perceptions of subject difficulty and subject choices

This report published by Ofqual explores perceptions of subject difficulty and looks at links between these perceptions and subject choices at GCSE and A level.

EPRS 17/18 30 Admissions in context

This report from the Sutton Trust looks at the extent to which elite universities are using contextualised information in order to admit more disadvantaged students.

EPRS 17/18 31 Going for gold: Lessons from the TEF provider submissions

This report published by the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) looks at institutions whose written submissions led to their grading against the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) being raised; it aims to identify common areas of good practice.

Points of Information No.190

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