March 2018

Reference Title
EPRS 17/18 63 Sense and accountability: Holding our primary schools to account for what matters most
EPRS 17/18 64 Are we listening? Review of children’s and young people’s mental health issues
EPRS 17/18 65 Global Parents’ Survey
EPRS 17/18 66 Putting evidence to work: A schools’ guide to implementation
EPRS 17/18 67 Analysis of teacher supply, retention and mobility
EPRS 17/18 68 Teacher voice omnibus survey
EPRS 17/18 69 Workload challenge research projects: overall summary
EPRS 17/18 70 Home and away
EPRS 17/18 71 Annual qualifications market report
EPRS 17/18 72 Encounter, conversation and interaction: Improving community relations through religious education
Points of Information No.194

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