April 2017

Reference Title
EPRS 16/17 78 Perceptions of AS/A levels, GCSEs and other qualifications in England – wave 15

This report from Ofqual presents key findings from the annual survey of stakeholders’ perceptions of the examination system.

EPRS 16/17 79 The short and long run impact of the national funding formula for schools in England.

This briefing note from the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) provides an analysis of the governments’ school funding reforms and on how they are likely to impact on schools’ budgets both in the short and the long term.

EPRS 16/17 80 Creating a culture: How school leaders can optimise behaviour.

This report from the DfE builds on the work of the ITT Behaviour Review Group. It examines evidence about pupils’ behaviour in schools and makes a series of strategy recommendations for school leaders.

EPRS 16/17 81 Work experience and related activities in schools and colleges.

This research published by the DfE was commissioned to consider current provision and practice with regard to work experience in schools in England.

EPRS 16/17 82 Country note for UK of results from PISA: Students’ well-being

This report published by the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) looks at the mental well-being of students in the UK compared to other OECD countries.

EPRS 16/17 83 Peer support and children and young people’s mental health

This report from the DfE evaluates the use and effectiveness of peer support interventions in schools.

EPRS 16/17 84 Graduates’ career planning and its effect on graduate outcomes.

This report published by the DfE looks at the career planning undertaken by graduates and the effect which it has on their employment outcomes.

EPRS 16/17 85 Understanding the changing gaps in Higher Education participation in different regions of England.

This report from the DfE explores the differences in the higher education participation rates of young people living in different parts of the country.

EPRS 16/17 86 Children missing education: Families’ experiences.

This report summarises National Children’s Bureau (NCB) research into why children end up missing education and the effect which this has on their outcomes.

EPRS 16/17 87 Evidence for the Frontline: Evaluation report.

This report published by the Education Endowment Foundation evaluates the E4F service which aims to give teachers better access to research.

Points of Information No.184

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