April 2018

Reference Title
EPRS 17/18 73 Working out how working memory works: evidence from typical and atypical development
EPRS 17/18 74 Improving engagement and attainment in maths and English courses
EPRS 17/18 75 Child poverty and education: A survey of the experiences of NEU members
EPRS 17/18 76 Annual parents’ survey 2017: Parents’ awareness and perceptions of Ofsted
EPRS 17/18 77 Experiences of Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plans: A survey of parents and young people
EPRS 17/18 78 Implementation plan in response to the government’s Careers Strategy
EPRS 17/18 79 School leadership in England 2010-2016: characteristics and trends
EPRS 17/18 80 Differences in student outcomes
EPRS 17/18 81 The lost part-timers: The decline of part-time undergraduate higher education in England
EPRS 17/18 82 Value for money: The student perspective
Points of Information No.195

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