January 2011

Reference Title
EPRS 10/11 19 Developing Leadership: National Support Schools: Strategies used to develop leadership potential and effectiveness in schools
EPRS 10/11 20 Successful Science: An evaluation of science education in England 2007-2010
EPRS 10/11 21 Modern Languages: Achievement and challenge 2007-2010
EPRS 10/11 22 Reading By Six: How the best schools do it
EPRS 10/11 23 Achievement Of 15 year olds In England. OECD/PISA International comparisons: 2009
EPRS 10/11 24 Young People’s Civic Attitudes And Practices: England’s outcomes from the IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS)
EPRS 10/11 25 Education Bill 2011
Points of Information No.126

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