January 2019

Reference Title
EPRS 18/19 41 Assessing the quality of education through curriculum intent, implementation and impact

This research report from Ofsted, based on a recently conducted pilot, looks at how schools could best be judged on the effectiveness of their curricula.

EPRS 18/19 42 Chain effects 2018

This report from the Sutton Trust is the latest in a series looking at the effect of sponsored academies on the attainment of disadvantaged pupils.

EPRS 18/19 43 The Impact of Selective Secondary Education on Progression to Higher Education

This paper written by Iain Mansfield and published by the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) looks at the role of grammar schools in helping pupils, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, to access top universities.

EPRS 18/19 44 Working with parents to support children’s learning

This report from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) sets out a number of ways in which schools can engage more effectively with parents to promote learning.

EPRS 18/19 45 Access to advantage: the influence of school and place on admission to top universities

This report from the Sutton Trust looks at who is applying to top universities and at the type of schools which they attend.

EPRS 18/19 46 Your future, their future - the impact of the DfE's marketing campaign

This report commissioned by the DfE and written by London Economics examines the effectiveness of government marketing campaigns to increase teacher recruitment.

EPRS 18/19 47 A question of degree

This report from the think tank Onward challenges the current higher education funding system and puts forward proposals for easing the burden of student debt. It also looks at the ‘value added’ of different degrees.

EPRS 18/19 48 Government Response to Education Select Committee Report: Value for Money in Higher Education

This report from the DfE sets out the government’s response to the Value for Money report published by the Education Committee.

EPRS 18/19 49 Homeward Bound: defining, understanding and aiding ‘commuter students’

This report from the Higher Education Policy Institute sets out the challenges facing students who commute to university and puts forward recommendations for supporting them.

EPRS 18/19 50 The Baker Clause 1 year on

This report from the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) examines how schools have responded to their new duties under the Baker Clause.

Points of Information No.203

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