November 2021

Reference Title
EPRS 21/22 21 The EEF Guide to the Pupil Premium: Autumn 21

This guide from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) provides practical guidance to support school leaders to develop, implement, and monitor an evidence-informed approach to their pupil premium strategy.

EPRS 21/22 22 Young People’s Experiences of Careers Information, Advice and Guidance (CIAG)

This research brief from the DfE explores a cohort of young people’s experiences and perceptions of CIAG, looking at how it varies across demographic and socioeconomic characteristics.

EPRS 21/22 23 Supporting Students’ Reflective Capabilities Through Self-Reflective Shapes

In this article, Simon Brownhill from the University of Bristol School of Education offers a literature based exploration of the skill of self-reflection. He explores what self-reflection is, why it is important, and how it can be practically undertaken.

EPRS 21/22 24 Understanding Progress in the 2020-21 Academic Year

This report presents the Education Policy Institute and Renaissance Learning’s 5th assessment of the learning loss experienced by pupils in England because of COVID-19.

EPRS 21/22 25 Education in Times of Crisis: Effective Approaches to Distance Learning

This report from the Chartered College of Teaching presents findings from a research project which captured the views and experiences of teachers on different approaches to distance learning.

EPRS 21/22 26 Social and Emotional Learning: An Evidence Review and Synthesis of Key

In this report, Mona Gedikoglu, writing for the Education Policy Institute, sets out arguments for prioritising social and emotional learning in schools, and makes recommendations as to how this can best be done.

EPRS 21/22 27 Study of Early Education and Development (SEED): Impact Study on Early Education Use and Child Outcomes up to Age 7 Years

This latest report from the DfE explores the associations between the amounts, types, and quality of ECEC that children received between the age of 2 and the start of school, and child development at Key Stage 1.

EPRS 21/22 28 Enriching Education Recovery

This report from the Centre for Education and Youth explores a range of opportunities for expanding the provision of non-formal learning for children and young people.

EPRS 21/22 29 Going Further: Further Education, Disadvantage, and Social Mobility

This report from the Sutton Trust explores the extent to which the FE sector, and FE Colleges in particular, have been successful in leading to well-paid employment, and facilitating progression to HE. It also explores the role which FE plays in social mobility.

EPRS 21/22 30 Education Recovery and Resilience in England: Phase 2 Report

This report from the Education Policy Institute summarises the most recent evidence about lost learning, based on Renaissance Learning Star Assessments.

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