December 2014

Reference Title
EPRS 14/15 34 Summer AS and A level entries for England: Provisional figures April 2014

In this release, Ofqual presents figures on the number of entries for AS and A level submitted to exam boards ahead of the examinations which were sat between May and June 2014.

EPRS 14/15 35 Investigation into financial support for students at alternative higher education institutions

This document provides key findings from the National Audit Office’s Investigation into student funding at alternative higher education.

EPRS 14/15 36 Influences on students’ GCSE attainment and progress at age 16

This report from the DfE explores which child, family and Home Learning Environment (HLE) characteristics predict pupils’ academic attainment at KS4.

EPRS 14/15 37 Initial teacher education inspections and outcomes

This release from Ofsted reports on the ITE inspections that were conducted between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014. It also includes the most recent inspection outcomes for all open ITE age phase partnerships that have been inspected as at 31 August 2014.

EPRS 14/15 38 The economic value of key intermediate qualifications

This research paper from the DfE provides information about the economic value of key intermediate qualifications. It focusses specifically on GCSEs, A levels and apprenticeships at levels 2 and 3.

EPRS 14/15 39 The costs and benefits of different Initial Teacher Training routes

This report presents research into the costs and benefits for schools associated with the current range of Initial Teacher Training routes.

EPRS 14/15 40 Internship or indenture?

This research by the Sutton Trust provides an overview of the current internship situation in the UK and examines the impact of an internship system on social mobility.

EPRS 14/15 41 International comparisons in postgraduate education: quality, access and employment outcomes

This report was written by researchers at the University of Oxford for the HEFCE. It compares the quality access and employment outcomes of postgraduate education in eight countries.

EPRS 14/15 42 Boarding schools: an opportunity to improve outcomes for vulnerable children

In this report the DfE explores opportunities to increase the availability of state and independent boarding to vulnerable children.

EPRS 14/15 43 Youth social action in the UK: 2014

This study conducted by Ipsos Mori provides data about participation in social action amongst 10-20 year-olds in England.

Points of Information No.158

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