February 2020

Reference Title
EPRS 19/20 51 The Annual Report of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills, 2018-19

This report from Ofsted presents inspection findings for early years childcare, schools, further education and skills and social care in the academic year 2018-19.

EPRS 19/20 52 Initial Teacher Education Inspection Framework and Handbook (draft)

This draft document from Ofsted sets out a new framework for the inspection of ITE which is planned to come into force in September 2020.

EPRS 19/20 53 Attitudes to Education: the British Social Attitudes Survey 2018

This report from the DfE gives an overview of public attitudes towards children’s lives, teachers’ pay and workload, foreign languages and higher education.

EPRS 19/20 54 Social Mobility and Higher Education – are Grammar Schools the Answer?

In this report from the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI), a number of academics challenge an earlier report by Iain Mansfield which asserted that grammar schools promote social mobility.

EPRS 19/20 55 Evaluation of the Peer Support for Mental Health and Wellbeing Pilots

This report from the DfE reports on an extensive pilot scheme to introduce peer support into schools and colleges in England.

EPRS 19/20 56 Teacher Autonomy: How Does it Relate to Job Satisfaction and Retention?

This report from the National Foundation for Educational Research (NfER) explores how much autonomy teachers feel that they have compared to those in a range of other professions.

EPRS 19/20 57 UCAS End of Cycle Report 2019: Equality in England and Unconditional Offers

These latest chapters from the annual UCAS report present findings on patterns in offer-making and trends in unconditional offers.

EPRS 19/20 58 Putting Evidence to Work: A Schools’ Guide to Implementation

This guidance report from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) documents the steps that effective schools take to manage change well.

EPRS 19/20 59 Language Teaching in Schools (England)

This report from the House of Commons Library gives a comprehensive overview of the current state of language teaching in England, including the impact of recent reforms.

EPRS 19/20 60 Boys Studying Modern Foreign Languages at GCSE in Schools in England

This report from the Education Policy Institute (EPI) looks schools that are performing well with regards to boys’ participation and achievement (particularly disadvantaged boys) in languages.

Points of Information No.215

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