March 2015

Reference Title
EPRS 14/15 64 Reading: the next steps

This report from the DfE looks at the state of pupil reading in the UK within both a national and international context, outlining the key measures which have been introduced by the Government since it came to power in 2010.

EPRS 14/15 65 Performance descriptors for Key Stage 1 and 2: Consultation response

This report from the DfE outlines key points from the consultation responses on performance descriptors along with the government’s response.

EPRS 14/15 66 Wolf recommendations: Final progress report

This document from the DfE is the third and final progress report on the Wolf recommendations which followed the 2011 Wolf Review.

EPRS 14/15 67 Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education: A review of impact and effective practice

This evidence summary from the DfE provides an overview of recent reviews of the different strands of PHSE and examines their effectiveness.

EPRS 14/15 68 Performance descriptors risk undermining the benefits of teacher assessment

In this document, the National Foundation for Educational Research (NfER) examines the implications of the government’s proposed performance descriptors for primary schools.

EPRS 14/15 69 Subject to background

This new research from a team at the University of Oxford School of Education offers reasons why some bright children from disadvantaged backgrounds are more likely to succeed than others.

EPRS 14/15 70 Are there subject deserts in parts of the country?

This project supported by Leeds City Council and published by the Open Public Services network compared the availability of certain GCSE subjects across local authority areas in England, focussing on triple science, single science and modern languages.

EPRS 14/15 71 Making best use of Teaching Assistants

This guidance report from the Education Endowment Foundation is designed to provide practical evidence-based guidance to help primary and secondary schools to make the best use of their Teaching Assistants.

EPRS 14/15 72 Work readiness amongst young people in England

This report by Teach First discusses the role of schools and teachers in the effective delivery of careers education, outlining how its own organisation intends to contribute.

EPRS 14/15 73 Leading the way: Blueprint for a self-improving system

This document from the Association of School and College Leaders, sets out a vision for how an effective and world-leading education system will look in 2020.

Points of Information No.161

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