May 2020

Reference Title
EPRS 19/20 81 ASPIRES 2: Young People’s Science and Career Aspirations, age 10-19

This report from UCL presents findings from the latest phase of the ASPIRES project, which examines the science attitudes and aspirations of young people aged 14-19.

EPRS 19/20 82 Top Ten Texts: A Survey of Commonly Taught KS3 Class Readers

In this report, Lorna Smith from the University of Bristol critiques the literary diet served to pupils in Key Stage 3 English classrooms

EPRS 19/20 83 Qualified for The Future

This report from the British Academy presents evidence for the value of arts, humanities and social sciences (AHSS) to the workforce and the wider economy.

EPRS 19/20 84 Pressure Vessels ii: An Update on Mental Health among Higher Education Staff in the UK

This report from the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) explores a sharp rise in mental health issues amongst university staff.

EPRS 19/20 85 Postgraduate Education in the UK

This report from the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) looks at changes and trends in the postgraduate landscape.

EPRS 19/20 86 Students’ Views on Entering the Labour Market

This report from the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) explores students’ perceptions of what it will be like attempting to find work after university and of the skills which they will need.

EPRS 19/20 87 A Training Opportunity in the Crisis: How the Covid-19 Response Can Help Sort Out Britain’s Training Mess

This report from David Goodhart published by Policy Exchange explores the higher education and training system in the UK, claiming that the current crisis could be a catalyst for improvement

EPRS 19/20 88 Remote learning: Rapid Evidence Assessment

This report from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) looks at a wide range of evidence to identify the most successful online learning approaches.

EPRS 19/20 89 Children of the Pandemic

This report from the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) looks at the impact of school closures and sets out 3 key policy priorities.

EPRS 19/20 90 Covid-19 and Social Mobility Impact Brief: School shutdown

This report from the Sutton Trust looks at the impact which the school closures could have on future social mobility.

Points of Information No.218

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