July 2014

Reference Title
EPRS 13/14 113 Alternative provision: findings from the first interim report

This report from Ofsted presents findings about the standard of alternative provision and how effectively schools are using it.

EPRS 13/14 114 Destinations of key stage 4 and key stage 5 students 2011/2012

This report from the DfE provides headline figures about destinations of students in key stages 4 and 5. It includes, for the first time, destinations from independent schools and pupil referral units (PRUs).

EPRS 13/14 115 Leading governors: the role of the chair of governors in schools and academies

This document from the National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) explores the roles and responsibilities of the chair of governors.

EPRS 13/14 116 Going the extra mile: excellence in competitive school sport

In this report, Ofsted explores whether there is a link between the quality of competitive school sport and later sporting success. It also looks at the disproportionate level of sporting success enjoyed by pupils in the state and independent sectors.

EPRS 13/14 117 Teenage kicks: cultural value from a youth perspective

This research report from the University of Bristol Graduate School of Education reports on the “Teenage Kicks” project. The project’s main aims were to build a better understanding of young people’s perceptions of cultural value and to use insights gained to inform the design and provision of cultural and creative activities across a city.

EPRS 13/14 118 Do academies make use of their autonomy?

This report from the DfE presents the findings of a survey which was designed to better understand a range of issues related to academies’ autonomy.

EPRS 13/14 119 The evolving education system in England: a “temperature check”

This research report was commissioned by the DfE and written by the ISOS partnership. It explores how local education systems work together for improvement.

EPRS 13/14 120 Teachers in England’s secondary schools: evidence from TALIS 2013

This report from the DfE is based on The Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS). It examines a range of aspects of teachers’ work in England, drawing comparisons with other countries.

EPRS 13/14 121 16-19 study programmes: Revised English and maths condition of funding

This research document from the DfE assesses the likely impact of the proposals to link funding to further study of maths and English and examines whether it would have a disproportionate negative impact on any one group of pupils with a protected characteristic.

EPRS 13/14 122 Teachers’ use of research evidence

This report from the national Foundation for Educational Research (NfER) looks at how teachers are using research evidence in the classroom

Points of Information No.154

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