July 2021

Reference Title
EPRS 20/21 101 Geography Mentors’ Written Lesson Observation Feedback during Initial Teacher Education

This report by Nicola Warren-Lee from the University of Bristol School of Education and Steve Puttick from the University of Oxford examines the subject specificity of written feedback given to students teachers of geography.

EPRS 20/21 102 Initial Teacher Training (ITT) Market Review

This report from the DfE sets out wide-reaching proposals for reform of the ITT market in England.

EPRS 20/21 103 Student Mental Health and Wellbeing

This report written by IES and Advance HE and published by the DfE explores how higher education providers are prioritising and supporting students’ mental health and wellbeing.

EPRS 20/21 104 Student Academic Experience Survey

This annual survey from Advance HE and the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) presents students’ perceptions of their university experience.

EPRS 20/21 105 Inequality in the Highest Degree? Postgraduates, Prices, and Participation

This report from the Sutton Trust explores the extent to which certain aspects of postgraduate education may be creating barriers to social mobility.

EPRS 20/21 106 Financial Sustainability of Financial Higher Education Providers in England

This report from the Office for Students looks at the financial strength of higher education institutions in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

EPRS 20/21 107 Putting Apprenticeships to Work for Young People

This report from the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) examines the impact of the apprenticeship reforms on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and on young people, against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic.

EPRS 20/21 108 GCSE and Lifetime Earnings

This report from analysts at the DfE provides estimates of the lifetime earnings return to improvements in GCSE grades.

EPRS 20/21 109 Language trends 2021

This annual report published by the British Council presents information about current trends in language teaching and learning at primary and secondary level.

EPRS 20/21 110 The Forgotten: How White working class pupils have been let down and how to change it.

This report from the House of Commons Education reports on a recent inquiry into the outcomes of disadvantaged White pupils.

Points of Information No.231

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