September 2014

Reference Title
EPRS 14/15 1 Running a school: myths and facts

This document from the DfE addresses some common misconceptions about the activities which schools are required to undertake. The summary focusses on changes happening during the academic year 2014-2015.

EPRS 14/15 2 Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN): an analysis

This annual statistical publication from the DfE draws on a range of statistics to provide key information on pupils with SEN and young people with learning difficulties and/or disabilities in England. It relates to the SEN system which existed in England until 31st August 2014.

EPRS 14/15 3 Permanent and fixed-term exclusions in England: 2012 to 2013

This Statistical First Release from the DfE provides key information about permanent and fixed period exclusions from state-funded primary, state-funded secondary and special schools during the 2012/2013 academic year.

EPRS 14/15 4 Transforming 16-19 education and training: the early implementation of study programmes

This survey by Ofsted was carried out in order to ascertain how effectively the new study programmes are being implemented by 16-19 providers.

EPRS 14/15 5 Evaluation of the Special Needs and Disability (SEND) pathfinder programme

This document from the DfE reports on the second stage of the pathfinder programme which was set up to pilot changes to the Government’s approach to SEN as outlined in the new Code of Practice.

EPRS 14/15 6 Analysis of trends in higher education applications, admissions and enrolments

This report from the Independent Commission on Fees looks at ongoing trends in student numbers and applications to universities in the light of fee increases.

EPRS 14/15 7 The everyday maths project: empowering parents to support their children’s mathematics learning

This project which was funded by the Nuffield Foundation and carried out at the University of Bristol Graduate School of Education aimed to develop methods for empowering parents to reflect upon and share their uses of mathematics in everyday life.

EPRS 14/15 8 Primary Modern Languages: the impact of teaching approaches on attainment and preparedness for secondary school language learning

This document reports on research funded by the Nuffield foundation which tracked learners from Year 5 to Year 7 in order to determine whether an oracy or literacy based approach was more effective for their language learning.

EPRS 14/15 9 Lessons from London schools

This research was carried out by the Centre for London and published by the CfBT. It investigates the claim that London schools have improved dramatically since 2000 and reviews the evidence of transformational change.

EPRS 14/15 10 Chain effects: the impact of academy chains on low income students

This report published by the Sutton Trust takes an in-depth look at the performance of academy chains focussing on the outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in their schools.

EPRS 14/15 11 Partnership working in small rural primary schools: the best of both worlds

This report published by the CfBT Education Trust, reports on research carried out in order to investigate the most effective ways for small rural primary schools to work together.

EPRS 14/15 12 Initial Evaluation of the Impact of Big Writing

This report published by NfER explores the effectiveness of the Big Writing programme which aims to raise standards in primary schools.

Points of Information No.155

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