Browse by original document publication date

A Languages Crisis? - Higher Education Policy Institute
The annual Student Academic Experience Survey published by HEPI and Advance HE shows how full-time undergraduate students rate their experience of higher education.
EPRS 19/20 43
Access to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services in 2019 - Education Policy Institute
This report by the Education Policy Institute (EPI) gives an up to date overview of children’s mental health provision in England.
EPRS 19/20 45
Autism - Parliamentary Committee for Science and Technology
This report from the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology provides a comprehensive view of autism and the interventions and support which are most helpful for children with this special need.
EPRS 19/20 73
Building Great Teachers? Initial Teacher Education Curriculum Research: Phase 2 - Ofsted
This report from Ofsted presents findings from the fieldwork which was carried out in order to provide a basis for a new inspection framework for teacher education.
EPRS 19/20 41
Evidence Summary: Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the use of face coverings in educational settings - DfE
This report summarises the evidence informing the Government’s decision to revisit guidance on the use of face coverings within secondary schools and colleges in England.
EPRS 21/22 43
Fight or flight? How ‘stuck’ schools are overcoming isolation - Ofsted
This report from Ofsted investigates why some schools that were previously ‘stuck’, i.e. delivering a low standard of education for long periods of time have managed to sustainably improve and others have not.
EPRS 19/20 42
Improving Mathematics in the Early Years and Key Stage 1 - Education Endowment Foundation
This guidance report from the Education Endowment Foundation offers 5 practical evidence-based recommendations to support the mathematical learning of children aged 3 to 7 in the early years and Key Stage 1.
EPRS 19/20 64
Initial Teacher Education Inspection Framework and Handbook (draft) - Ofsted
This draft document from Ofsted sets out a new framework for the inspection of ITE which is planned to come into force in September 2020.
EPRS 19/20 52
Language Teaching in Schools (England) - House of Commons Library
This report from the House of Commons Library gives a comprehensive overview of the current state of language teaching in England, including the impact of recent reforms.
EPRS 19/20 59
Social Mobility and Higher Education – are Grammar Schools the Answer? - Higher Education Policy Institute
In this report from the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI), a number of academics challenge an earlier report by Iain Mansfield which asserted that grammar schools promote social mobility.
EPRS 19/20 54
Teacher Autonomy: How Does it Relate to Job Satisfaction and Retention? - NFER
This report from the National Foundation for Educational Research (NfER) explores how much autonomy teachers feel that they have compared to those in a range of other professions.
EPRS 19/20 56
The Early Years Workforce in England - Education Policy Institute
This report from the Education Policy Institute (EPI) provides a detailed profile of those working in the early years sector in England.
EPRS 19/20 47
The Wellbeing of the School Workforce in England - Education Policy Institute
This report from the Education Policy Institute (EPI) looks at levels of wellbeing and job satisfaction within the teaching profession.
EPRS 19/20 49
UCAS End of Cycle Report 2019: Equality in England and Unconditional Offers - UCAS
These latest chapters from the annual UCAS report present findings on patterns in offer-making and trends in unconditional offers.
EPRS 19/20 57