Browse by original document publication date

A Northern Powerhouse Schools Strategy - DfE
This report presents findings of Sir Nick Weller’s independent review of education in the North which has been produced to inform the delivery of a Northern Powerhouse Schools strategy.
EPRS 16/17 44
Children and young people’s writing in 2015 - The National Literacy Trust
This report from the National Literacy Trust outlines children’s enjoyment of writing, writing frequency and writing attitudes.
EPRS 16/17 26
Class differences - Sutton Trust
This report from the Sutton Trust focusses on the outcomes of FSM-eligible pupils at GCSE by ethnic group and looks at trends over time.
EPRS 16/17 32
Earning and learning: making the apprenticeship system work for 16-18 year-olds - Institute for Public Policy Research
This report from the Institute for Public Policy Research critiques the current system of vocational education and explores why young people, particularly those with lower qualifications, struggle to make the transition into the jobs market.
EPRS 16/17 30
Education and training statistics for the United Kingdom 2016 - DfE
The report published by the Department for Education provides key statistics on schools, training, qualifications and spending on education in the UK.
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Effective primary teaching practice 2016 - Teaching Schools Council
This report from the Teaching Schools Council looks at the evidence for what constitutes effective practice at primary level.
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Getting ready for work - Ofsted
This report from Ofsted investigates the availability and effectiveness of enterprise education and work-related learning for pupils in secondary schools in England.
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Initial Teacher Training census for the academic year 2016-17 - DfE
This annual census from the Department for Education gives an overview of the Initial Teacher Training landscape, looking at the profile of those who embarked on training courses in 2016.
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Magic breakfast evaluation report - Education Endowment Foundation
This evaluation of the Magic Breakfast Project from the Education Endowment Foundation provides evidence on the impact of breakfast club provision on a range of outcomes.
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Modern foreign languages pedagogy review - Teaching Schools Council
This review from the Teaching Schools Council looks at the evidence for effective pedagogy in MFL teaching.
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Overcoming barriers to student achievement in mathematics through teachers’ action research - University of Bristol Graduate School of Education
This research brief from colleagues at the University of Bristol reports on research into ways of helping pupils overcome barriers to learning in mathematics.
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SEND: The schools and colleges experience - DfE
This report published by the DfE gives an overview of the experiences of parents who have children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), exploring the impact of the changes to the SEND system.
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The parent factor - Mayor's Fund for London
This report published by the Mayor’s fund for London evaluates a maths parental engagement programme which was run in London schools in 2015.
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Trends in maths and science study: National report for England - DfE
This National Report for England, published by the Department for Education compares English pupils’ performance and experience of maths and science in year 5 and year 9, compared with that in other countries.
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