Browse by original document publication date

Access to advantage: the influence of school and place on admission to top universities - The Sutton Trust
This report from the Sutton Trust looks at who is applying to top universities and at the type of schools which they attend.
EPRS 18/19 45
Annual Ofsted Report 2018 - Ofsted
This annual report presents Ofsted’s findings for early years childcare, schools, further education and skills and social care in the academic year 2017-18.
EPRS 18/19 31
Assessing the quality of education through curriculum intent, implementation and impact - Ofsted
This research report from Ofsted, based on a recently conducted pilot, looks at how schools could best be judged on the effectiveness of their curricula.
EPRS 18/19 41
Bullying in England, April 2013 to March 2018 - DfE
This report from the DfE analysis data from young people gathered for the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW).
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Careers and enterprise provision - Careers and Enterprise Company
This report from the Careers and Enterprise Commission asks how schools and colleges are performing relative to the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks.
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Chain effects 2018 - The Sutton Trust
This report from the Sutton Trust is the latest in a series looking at the effect of sponsored academies on the attainment of disadvantaged pupils.
EPRS 18/19 42
Children's mental health briefing - Office of the Children's Commissioner
This report from the office of the Children’s Commissioner takes a close look at community Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in England.
EPRS 18/19 33
Homeward Bound: defining, understanding and aiding ‘commuter students’ - Higher Education Policy Institute
This report from the Higher Education Policy Institute sets out the challenges facing students who commute to university and puts forward recommendations for supporting them.
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Learners and apprentices survey 2018 - DfE
This survey of further education learners and apprentices was commissioned by the DfE: among other things, it provides insights into the challenges which these learners face.
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Level 2 study programmes - Ofsted
This report from Ofsted looks at the quality of level 2 courses which are delivered most commonly in further education colleges.
EPRS 18/19 32
Pay as you go? Internships for graduates - The Sutton Trust
This report from the Sutton Trust presents takes an in-depth look at internships and examines whether they are a barrier to social mobility.
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Supporting the most academically able disadvantaged pupils - DfE
This research report from the DfE was commissioned to identify and explore good practice in schools in which able disadvantaged pupils have made good progress.
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The impact of undergraduate degrees on early career earnings - Institute for Fiscal Studies
This report from the DfE estimates the overall average impact of attending HE on earnings at age 29.
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UCAS end of cycle report 2018 (Chapters 1 - 4) - UCAS
The UCAS end of cycle report provides in-depth analysis of higher education application and recruitment patterns. It also looks at widening participation and access activities.
EPRS 18/19 37
Working with parents to support children’s learning - Education Endowment Foundation
This report from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) sets out a number of ways in which schools can engage more effectively with parents to promote learning.
EPRS 18/19 44