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Anxiety and its Effect on University Choices - The Student Room
This report from The Student Room reports on a survey of over 3,000 students designed to find out how widespread anxiety, stress and depression are for university applicants and how they feel about the support available to them.
EPRS 18/19 62
Employment and earnings outcomes of higher education graduates by subject studied and graduate characteristics in 2016-17 - DfE
This report from the DfE summarises information from The Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) dataset about the employment and earnings of graduates in the tax year 2016-17.
EPRS 18/19 78
International Education Strategy: Global Potential, Global Growth - DfE and Department for International Trade
This strategy document published by Education is Great sets out how the UK can best consolidate and strengthen its position in the global education market.
EPRS 18/19 66
Literacy difficulties – the Driver Youth Trust position - Driver Youth Trust
This report from the charity Youth Driver Trust critiques the provision of literacy support available for those who experience literacy difficulties.
EPRS 18/19 74
Making apprenticeships work - Social Market Foundation
This first annual report from the Social Market Foundation explores the role which policymakers can play in supporting apprenticeship quality and creating a more efficient vocational training regime.
EPRS 18/19 79
New Filters to manage the impact of social media on young people’s mental health and wellbeing - APPG on social media
This report published by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on social media looks at ways of mitigating the potential harms of social media use.
EPRS 18/19 73
Only the lonely – loneliness, student activities and mental wellbeing at university - WONKHE
This report from WONKHE reports on a survey which sought to explore levels of mental wellbeing amongst students.
EPRS 18/19 72
Post-16 Institutions and Providers Omnibus Survey: Wave 6 Findings - DfE
The report from the DfE presents the findings from telephone interviews with 421 post-16 institutions and 246 private training providers in England. It explores areas such as workload, careers guidance and special educational needs (SEN) within a post-16 context.
EPRS 18/19 70
Safeguarding children and young people in education from knife crime: lessons from London - Ofsted
This report from the Ofsted seeks to identify ways in which policy makers and school leaders in London can support practice in schools to combat the threat of knife crime.
EPRS 18/19 71
The Future of the TEF: Report to the Independent Reviewer - Universities UK
This report from Universities UK (UUK) presents evidence to the government’s review of the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) for higher education.
EPRS 18/19 68
The role and contribution of maintained nursery schools in the early years sector in England - DfE
This report written by Frontier Economics and published by the DfE examines how maintained bursary schools differ from other Early Years providers, particularly in the quality of childcare offered and in the provision of additional and specialist services.
EPRS 18/19 65
Understanding Mathematics Anxiety - The Nuffield foundation
This report from the University of Cambridge and the Nuffield Foundation reports on a project which explored different aspects of maths anxiety amongst primary and secondary school pupils.
EPRS 18/19 61
Using digital technology to improve learning - Education Endowment Foundation
This report from the Education Endowment Foundation supports senior leaders and teachers to make key decisions about how technology can best be integrated to improve pupils’ outcomes.
EPRS 18/19 77