Browse by original document publication date

Country note for UK of results from PISA: Students’ well-being - Programme for International Student Assessment
This report published by the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) looks at the mental well-being of students in the UK compared to other OECD countries.
EPRS 16/17 82
Mobility manifesto 2017 - Sutton Trust
This report by the Sutton Trust outlines 10 practical steps which policymakers should take in order to improve social mobility and close the gap between the most and least advantaged.
EPRS 16/17 96
Native speakers in A level modern languages - Ofqual
This report from Ofqual examines the impact of native speakers of modern languages on the overall results.
EPRS 16/17 91
Perceptions of AS/A levels, GCSEs and other qualifications in England – wave 15 - Ofqual
This report from Ofqual presents key findings from the annual survey of stakeholders’ perceptions of the examination system.
EPRS 16/17 78
Primary assessment - House of Commons Education Committee
This report presents the findings of an enquiry by the House of Commons Education Committee into the design and implementation of the new key stage 2 tests.
EPRS 16/17 88
Understanding the changing gaps in Higher Education participation in different regions of England. - DfE
This report from the DfE explores the differences in the higher education participation rates of young people living in different parts of the country.
EPRS 16/17 85
Whither teacher education and training? - HEPI
This report by Dr John Cater which was published by the Higher Education Policy Institute looks at the current state of teacher education in England and proposes a range of ideas for reform.
EPRS 16/17 94
Youth manifesto report - Undivided
This report from the youth campaign group Undivided presents research findings about young people’s priorities with regard to Brexit.
EPRS 16/17 97