Browse by original document publication date

Low Attainment in Mathematics - The Nuffield foundation
This report from the Nuffield Foundation presents recent research into the mathematical understanding of Year 9 pupils and the best strategies for improving attainment.
EPRS 19/20 91
Monitoring Social Mobility - The Social Mobility Commission
This report from the Social Mobility Commission audits Whitehall departments against some of the recommendations which it has made over the last 7 years to improve social mobility.
EPRS 19/20 103
Resourcing Higher Education: Challenges, Choices, and Consequences - OECD
This report from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) examines evidence around key resourcing challenges faced in OECD jurisdictions.
EPRS 19/20 106
Student Academic Experience Survey - HEPI
This report from the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) and Advance HE reports on an annual survey which explores students’ perceptions of their university experience.
EPRS 19/20 94
Students’ Views on the Impact of Coronavirus on their Higher Education Experience - HEPI
This report from the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) presents research on how the pandemic has affected students’ experiences.
EPRS 19/20 110
The Impact of School Closures on the Attainment Gap: Rapid Evidence Assessment - Education Endowment Foundation
This rapid evidence assessment by the Education Endowment Foundation examines the potential impact of school closures on the attainment gap, based on a systematic search of existing literature.
EPRS 19/20 96
UK Universities and China - HEPI
This collection of 8 essays provides insights into the difficulties and opportunities encountered by higher education institutions (HEIs) as they engage with China.
EPRS 19/20 104