Browse by original document publication date

Smoking, drinking and drug use among young people in England 2018 - NHS
This report from the NHS presents findings of a biennial survey which explores levels of smoking, drinking and drug use amongst young people in England.
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Support for Pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in England - National Audit Office
This report from the National Audit Office examines how well pupils with special educational needs and disabilities have been supported since the introduction of the 2014 reforms.
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Teachers' Perceptions and Awareness of Ofsted - Ofsted
This report examines the extent to which communication between Ofsted and the teaching profession is proving effective; it also looks at what teachers’ opinions are about Ofsted.
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The EEF Guide to the Pupil Premium - Education Endowment Foundation
This report from the Education Endowment Foundation provides some helpful guidance about how schools can use pupil premium funding effectively.
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The Good Childhood Report - The Children's Society
This report from the Children’s Society draws on a range of data which looks at levels of life satisfaction and happiness amongst children and young people.
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